1. Photobomb Expert Giraffe
If you ever wanted to look at the "highest" photobomb level, this is the one for you.
The first giraffe was happy with its photo being taken when the other giraffe (we'll name him Frank) came and was like "did somebody say selfie?" And just look at those lashes. Beautiful!
2. Angry Italian Mob Turtle
Why does it seem like this turtle dude is super pissed? Maybe he is angry at a human because there's no other reason for animals to get angry at us...except for when we make it difficult for them to live peacefully.
We feel like this is a sign from "Mother Nature" to stop polluting our oceans and waterways.
3. "I Came In Like A Wrecking Ball"
This is so adorable. It seems like something straight out of a cartoon because at first, it looks too good to be true.
The middle one is like, "Mom, please stop him," but it seems like mom just needs to take a break.
4. Rebel Kingfisher
If you don't know, this bird is a kingfisher. These birds mainly eat fish, aquatic insects, tadpoles, and freshwater shrimps. And a fun fact about this bird is that it dives into the water with its eyes closed. So, it means that it does blind fishing. That's pretty cool, right?
This kingfisher is like "I don't follow rules, they follow me." This photo shows thug life at its absolute finest. Maybe he knows that only a “king” can “fish” there.
5. Is It A Romeo And Juliet Love Scene?
It seems like it is a scene from Romeo and Juliet or maybe he is praying, "Dear God, please make 2020 end soon so that humans don't come to ruin our homes."
Or who knows, maybe he is just asking for more nuts and seeds. We will never know!
6. Cuteness Overloaded
That is so freaking adorable. Just look at that happy smile on the baby elephant's face. The baby elephant is like "Mommy, I got you some flowers."
This is by far one of the sweetest photos we have seen in awhile. It can surely cheer up most people out there. Where is the tissue box?
7. Smile! You're On Camera
This cheerful fish is like "Hello, my name is Dory. Can you please not eat me?" This photo reminds us of Finding Nemo.
What if humans could be as happy as this fish? It would be great. This fish is also showing the importance of going to a dentist.
8. Hiding Nuts?
It seems like a YouTube video on "How To Climb A Tree" gone wrong. It is so hilarious.
Or maybe he/she is hiding some nuts in there. If that is not the case then we just hope he/she got out and didn't get hurt.
9. "You Can't See Me"
This bear is like "98...99...100. Ready or not, here I come!" It seems like the bear thinks no one can see him, but we know that we can barely see a part of its body.
Or maybe the bear don't want to see its refection in the water as it has been trying really hard to lose weight. Maybe we'll never know.
10. Not Sharing is Caring
The other one is like "Hey, Phil? Are you gonna share?" We feel sad for him because his face tells a lot about how he is feeling.
So, it seems like the quarantine hoarding is definitely not just a human issue. Other birds and animals have been doing it for a long time, but they have never been as greedy as us.
11. "Always That One Friend"
It looks like the sun's barely setting and he's had it all ready. The penguin must be thinking, "I should have said no to that sea kelp cocktail."
It seems like this is the making of a penguin Hangover movie. We don't know about you but we are definitely going to watch it.
12. "Listen To My Side of The Story"
"So Mr. Fox, can a kangaroo jump higher than the Empire State Building? Well, of course it can because The Empire State Building can't really jump now can it."
We really like this photo as the fox really wants to hear the story before making a decision.
13. "Stop It Mom, You Are Embarrassing Me"
This baby otter is feeling embarrassed and is like, "Mom, not in front of the other kids. Please!"
Or maybe the baby otter is telling its mom about social distancing. That face is so adorable.
14. Bored Gorilla
This is what it is going to look like if 2020 was a mood. The gorilla looks bored of hearing a really long story that doesn't seem to end.
By the way, we look the same way every Monday, right? Maybe the gorilla isn't too excited to go to work as well. We feel bad for you big guy.
15. "In My Days, Things Were Different"
This monkey looks like it has all the wisdom of the world. He must be thinking, "I am too old for this sh*t."
And then he is like, "Stupid millennials, in my days, we would have been delighted to pick the fleas off of an elder's back."
16. "Talk To The Foot"
The parrot on the left told a joke, "Why couldn't the leopard play hide and seek? Well, it is because he was always spotted." The parrot on the right is tired of hearing all the lame jokes and is like, "Mark, just talk to the foot."
It also looks like the parrot on the right is telling Mark about keeping a distance as well. Even birds don't want to catch the virus.
17. Finally Getting Some Alone Time
After looking at this seal enjoying a relaxing bath, we would like to give our "seal" of approval. It is so hilarious.
The way this seal is enjoying himself is so blissful. How many of you like to take a bath and relax this way?
18. Is That A Stick?
You must be feeling mad because we included another picture that has no animal/insect in it. We tricked you into believing that there will be something in this photo but you can clearly see that there is only a stick with a couple of tiny balls on it.
But, if you look closely, then you may notice that an Azure damselfly is hiding behind the stick. It seems like this insect doesn't play a fair hide and seek game because it is always peeking.
19. Dealing With Regret?
This is how you are when you remember the things you did last night. The polar bear is like, "Oh man, not again!"
The photo is nice and it looks funny, but there is a reason behind it. Polar bears hide their (black) noses while hunting for seals to come out of the ice-hole as a black nose can be easily recognizable. Now, that’s interesting.
20. They Must Be Hiding Something
This is the face most of us have when we have too much caffeine or when someone opens a bag of chips.
They are like, "Officer, there is nothing here and we are not hiding anything."
21. Nails On Fleek
This birdy looks like it is checking its nails. But on second thought, it looks like the bird is playing the violin.
You can be as imaginative as you want but it even looks like the bird is sharpening its sword.
22. "Hey Dude, Listen I Have Something To Tell You"
One wonders who they are gossiping about. Are they talking about the lionesses of the other pride?
Or maybe the two lions are whispering, "So who is going to scare the hell out of the photographer this time?"
23. Perfect Parent-Child Bonding
This photo is so adorable. We didn't notice the tails because we were looking at their crossed legs.
Here are some interesting facts about elephants. Their trunks alone have about 150,000 muscle units in them and they eat over 150kg of food per day. To put that into perspective, it is like eating 375 cans of baked beans.
24. "Oh, Hi Mark"
This brown bear is like, "Hi my name is Steve and I come in peace. Do you have honey on you by any chance?"
By the way, bears look a lot like humans when they stand on two feet.
25. Siblings Love
This is how you look when you just smacked your younger sibling and you have to pretend like everything is okay when mom comes over.
The bear on the right is like "mom, he started it." Did you know that Katmai National Park in southern Alaska is home to about 4,000 Alaskan brown bears? And there are approximately 600,000 black bears in North America.
26. Imagine Seeing This Sign In Your Town
The penguin is like, "Hey, I noticed someone mentioned my name on this board. Now that I am here, give me fish."
So the movie Madagascar was on point with their penguins. And is it just us or does it looks like the penguin is wearing a hoodie?
27. “Stop Clowning Around And Get A Move On”
This is what happens when you accidentally stumble across your trunk. It is just like tripping on your shoelace.
So, it shows that animals can also stumble like humans, and they look funnier than us when they do.
28. You Crack Me Up
It seems like this seal laughed at one of its own jokes. We are quite sure that it must be one of the "SEALiest" jokes. The joke is: How do you count cows? Well, with a cowculator.
By the way, it also seems like the seal laughed after saying, "I want you to draw me like one of your French girls." It was a reference to the 1997 romantic movie Titanic.
29. Facepalm
The tiger is like "Did I turn the oven off? Yes, I did. No wait, did I really turn it off?"
Or maybe the tiger is thinking about a missed opportunity to hunt the gazelle and thinking "Man, how do I explain to the guys that the gazelle got away?"
30. Not In The Mood?
Although this photo is funny, don't you think the photographer invaded their privacy? Tell us what you think about it.
We know what you are thinking right now but there is a chance that they are fighting over a banana or something else.
31. Shhh Don't Tell Nobody
It is like, "Shhh, be very quiet. We're hunting rabbits. If you don't, I'll crap on your car."
Maybe the eagle just wants peace while enjoying the view from above. After all, we humans love to make noise everywhere we go.
32. When You Have Kids
We are quite sure this poor guy has kids that don't let him sleep at all. It seems like he has been running around after drinking a gallon of espresso just to stay awake.
We will name his hairstyle the Corona-Cut 2020 Hairstyle. After all, most of us have tried to cut our own hair at one point or another during quarantine.
33. When You Use Too Much Hairspray
So kids, this is why you don't ever try to lick an electrical outlet. If you do, rest assured you will look like him.
He is like, "Just one more cup of coffee...just one...just one more cup of coffee..."
34. Oppan Gangnam Style
Either this raccoon is a big fan of PSY's hit song "Gangnam Style" or maybe it is a bad climber. By the way, the song close to 4 billion views on YouTube, and it was released back in 2012. Feel old yet?
One thing we know for sure that this raccoon really needs to work on its climbing skills. It should get some training from Tom Cruise.
35. Bear Certified Car Mechanics
It seems like bears have become tired of acting like animals. Therefore, the bears have started to be more like humans. That's why you're looking at these bear car mechanics. The first bear is telling the second one, "I told you, Jerry always keeps a spare tire."
Or maybe the bears couldn't get the food and are therefore going to slash the tires.
36. Ahh, Hot, Hot, Hot!
The face you make when you accidentally drop the phone into the water. We are sure the monkey stole the phone from a tourist.
This is your face when you're in the pool and you get someone’s hair stuck on your fingers and have to pull it off. Maybe the monkey is peeing in the water. That'll explain why the monkey looks so relieved.
37. "Bloody Hot Sand"
This is how you walk when the floor is lava. The birdy is like "2 steps forward, 1 step back, flap your wings back and front to impress the ladies."
Whatever you say about the way this bird is walking, we think it is so cute.
38. Monkey Cycle Gang
We are quite sure this cyclist gang of monkeys is badass and no one should try to mess with them. Just look at their handsome (and cute) faces.
Looking at this photo reminds us of the TV show Sons of Anarchy. So, we can say that they are the Monkeys of Anarchy. Their leader is like "quick let’s get away before those annoying humans come back."
39. Please Stop!
"Hey listen! I have a super funny joke for you: what's the difference between a guitar and a fish? Well, you can tune a guitar, but you can't tuna fish."
We don't whether you like the joke or not, but we do know one thing: that's some serious side-eye going on there!
40. Sneak Attack
Hey, is that Simba and Nala? They should be real-life characters from the famous Lion King.
It also seems like one of the cubs is trying to sneak attack on his/her sibling. Well, they got to learn how to stalk their prey.
41. I Am The Champion
The monkey is like, "Is there anyone to challenge me here? I am the undisputed champion of this place."
And yes, we know that some of you have noticed the nipples. So, we won't say much about it. The monkey won't like that you are laughing at his nipples. For your own safety, please don’t laugh.
42. "Psst, Mom. You Awake"
This baby hippo is full of energy and is trying to converse with its mommy who is just trying to get some rest.
Just like human kids, we're sure this young hippo is continuously saying "Mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom...mommmmmmm!"
43. I Know I'm Funny
Listen to this joke: name a bird that can't fly? A dead bird! If you didn't laugh at this joke then you need to get yourself checked.
Maybe the monkey smoked something and is now feeling super high. We won't know for sure.
44. Bow Before Me
The first pelican is enjoying a nice sip of water, little does he know that his relaxing day on the water is about to be rudely interrupted by his friend behind him.
Do you know that some people have a phobia of birds called Ornithophobia? Yeah it is true. So this photo may terrify them.