This article was originally published on DailyBee
A Dragonfly Landed Next To A Tattoo Of Itself
Someone managed to snap this photo of their friend's foot after a dragonfly landed on it. As you can see, their friend already had a tattoo that looked exactly like the dragonfly that landed on their foot. Maybe the little guy recognized it and thought it was another dragonfly or something. We're not sure, but either way, it's pretty cool that it landed exactly opposite of the tattoo, and they managed to snap a photo.
We're just glad that this guy didn't have a tattoo of a spider or a snake on his foot because who knows what would've been crawling up his leg if he had.
This Person's Dog Was Correctly Labeled
This dog was taking what looked like a really peaceful nap when his owner noticed the shadow spelled out "Dog." We're not sure what exactly is throwing the shadow, but it's pretty neat that even inanimate objects were able to tell that this was a dog and not a cat or a lizard. You could probably look at this shadow and say that it spells out "oog," but that's not as much fun.
We just hope that this big guy was able to peacefully finish his nap because he really does look like he's in a deep slumber. We're actually kind of jealous.
A Shirt That Matches Taco Bell's Booth
Firstly, where in the world do you even get a shirt like that? It's a super unique pattern. This guy walked into a Taco Bell and sat down before realizing that his shirt matched the pattern on the booth. Both share the same really unique pattern, so the odds of this must be pretty low. However, we are kind of curious about where this Taco Bell is because we remember their booths looking a bit different.
Also, if you look really closely, you can kind of see where the two patterns differ, so they're not exactly the same, but the shirt still blends in pretty well.
This Dog Blends In With The Rug
It's actually really hard to tell where the dog ends, and the rug begins in this photo. The rug was given to this person as a gift, but we're sure it didn't take them long to realize that their furry dog blends in with it. The two are nearly identical shades of white, although if you know anything about white rugs, then you know that probably won't be the case for long.
If it weren't for the black specks that make up the dog's eyes and nose, it would've taken us longer to spot him. The owner should just be careful not to step on him when he's napping on the rug.
Urban Outfitters Sells Socks That Look Like An Employee
This guy's friend actually posted this photo after noticing Urban Outfitters sold socks that look just like him. On top of that, he's actually an employee at the store. We have to say; we see the resemblance. The two share the same clothing, glasses, nose, and beard. Even the shirts are similar. Maybe Urban Outfitters just found him and used him as a model for their socks or something.
That said, we hope he doesn't have to dress the same way every day just to match his doppelganger on the socks. Unless, of course, he has an entire closet filled with the same outfit.
Two Sets Of Identical Twins Married And Had Identical Twins
We're not sure what the scientific odds of this one are, but we're sure they're pretty low. A set of sisters, who were identical twins, ended up marrying another set of identical twins, and they all had identical twins. Yes, we know that's a little confusing, but it's probably even more confusing for the family when they all get together. How do they tell their partners apart at Thanksgiving?
The children would be easy enough to tell apart since there's a set of boys and girls, but the others would have to start wearing name tags or something.
Finding A Painting Of Yourself At A Thrift Store
There are two instances of someone finding a painting of their doppelganger, but we're not sure which one would be weirder. Maybe this one, though, because the painting was actually found at a thrift store. Whoever posed for this photo just happened to look exactly like the guy standing next to the portrait. They both also like wearing the color red. Honestly, he should've bought it and told people it was him.
We could only imagine how freaked out he must've been when he first saw this thing, like, "who painted this creepy portrait of me and didn't tell me about it."
This Person Ran Into Their Doppelganger At A Coldplay Concert
We're sure that running into your doppelganger can be a pretty weird experience at first. It's a person that looks exactly like you but sounds and acts differently. However, the girl in the back of this photo doesn't look like she has a care in the world. The girl in the foreground had her brother take this photo, but as you can see, they're both wearing the same exact outfit, and they both look strikingly similar to one another.
This whole thing happened at a Coldplay concert that was going on in Sweden. We wonder if they ever walked up to the girl in the back and introduced themselves to one another.
A Doppelganger Discovered At The Louvre
The guy in the portrait is named Íñigo Melchor Fernández de Velasco. He was a Spanish nobleman who lived around the late 17th century. However, from this photo, it would appear that he is back in form of the gentleman in front of the portrait. This guy was at the Louvre in Paris and noticed that he bore a striking resemblance to the person in the portrait behind him.
If he were to shave off everything but the mustache and wear similar clothes, we bet that the two would be nearly identical. Hopefully, he does that one day for Halloween.
A Book Cover That Looks Like The Reader's Face
This coincidence is pretty wild. This girl was reading The Merchant of Death by D. J. MacHale when she realized that her face matched the one on the book's spine. We're guessing she must've had to set it down for a second in order to notice. However, it's pretty cool because if that's the main character in the book, then she can just imagine the character looks exactly like her while reading.
Everything from the facial features to the hair match. Honestly, we think finding something like this is more fun than finding a doppelganger in real life, especially if it's a book you're really into.
Someone's Mom Used To Date Matt LeBlanc
If one of your parents told you that they used to date someone famous, would you believe them? This person didn't believe their mom when she told them that she used to date Matt LeBlanc, and we can understand why. He's one of the most famous people in the world, simply for his role on Friends. However, she eventually found a photo of herself and LeBlanc, and her child posted it online.
The two look really happy together, and it appears as though this wasn't too long before he started playing Joey in Friends because he looks like he's around the same age.
Spotting Harry Potter Doppelgangers
It's kind of hard to look at this photo and not think that there's some wonderous wizardry going on here. The three kids in this photo look strikingly similar to Harry, Hermione, and Ron from Harry Potter. However, there's actually a pretty famous celebrity and musician among the three in this photo. The redhead in the photo is actually Ed Sheeran when he was younger. We're not sure who the other two are.
And who knows, maybe Ed Sheeran was actually just Ron Weasley all along, but instead of taking up wizardry, he just decided to become a world-famous musician.
This Woman's Outfit Matched The Carpet
This woman said that she was at a random event when she looked down and noticed that her outfit matched the carpet. And after looking at this photo, sure enough, it does. Actually, it matches it perfectly. We could see the blue matching and just being a slight coincidence, but that top is pretty unique. So, to have both of them together like this is pretty rare, we'd imagine.
She looks like she has a pretty good sense of humor about it and even laid down to get a photo of the whole thing. We imagine her reaction was priceless when she noticed.
The Tag Matches The Dog
We're not sure if the driver with the "1EARUP" tag purposely bought their plate like that because of their dog or not. However, it's still kind of wild that the dog just happened to be looking out the back window with one ear up when this person noticed and snapped a photo. The dog is also pretty adorable with its one ear, so we had to add this one to the list.
A lot of photos on this list just happen to capture really spontaneous moments, but this one might just be among our favorites for the dog in the photo alone.
Running Into A Doppelganger At A Tech Conference
If it weren't for the slightly different colored beards, we'd think this picture was photoshopped. Someone posted this photo after running into their doppelganger at a tech conference, and we can't imagine the surprise these two must've had. They're even wearing the same outfit. Both of them are also bald, bearded, and wearing glasses. However, the guy in the background doesn't appear to have any tattoos, or at least none that can be seen in the photo.
We wonder if anyone else at the conference had any trouble telling them apart or if they tried to pass themselves off as identical twins. It'd certainly be believable.
This Woman Found A Cat With Her Eyes
Wouldn't it be really cool if your cat or dog had the same rare eye colors as you? This woman found a cat with matching eyes and decided to adopt it. The two were just meant to be. They both have a condition called heterochromia, which causes you to have two different colored eyes. She has one blue eye and one hazel-colored eye. There are around less than 200,000 people in the U.S. who can say the same.
However, we imagine that there are far fewer people who can say that they have a pet with matching eye colors, especially a pet cat, as we've never seen a cat with this condition.
A Girl Found Her Doppelganger At An Art Exhibit
Finding your doppelganger in public is one thing, but walking around at a random art exhibit and finding it in a painting might be more intriguing. This girl was at an art exhibit in Colorado and found her face on a painting or at least another face that looked like hers. This kind of makes us wonder who the actual model for the painting was and if she's somewhere out there.
The two are strikingly similar. The eyes, eyebrows, nose, and just about everything else match up. It might be time for this girl to have a conversation with the artist.
One Of These Men Died Right Before Other Was Born
You don't have to believe in reincarnation to think this is pretty odd. The man in the photo on the left is Enzo Ferrari, as in the Ferrari car company. The man on the right is Mesut Özil, a famous soccer player. They both look identical, but Ferrari died three months before Özil was born in 1988. Perhaps it's just a coincidence, or perhaps there's something more going on?
We'll let you be the judge of that, but the similarities between the two are pretty striking. You would probably think they were twins if they were the same age.
Realizing Your Shirt Matches Your Hotel's Décor
This woman posted this photo online and said that she noticed her shirt matched the paint scheme in her hotel after she walked out of her room. We probably would've noticed walking down the hall to the room because they are literally exactly the same. If she stood at the perfect angle, we're sure that she'd probably blend in with the walls. Luckily, you can still clearly see her in this photo.
It also looks like she has a really good sense of humor and found the whole thing to be pretty funny. We have to guess that she probably avoided that shirt for the rest of the stay, though.
This Person Realized They Were Driving Behind Taylor Swift
Okay, so it's not the actual Taylor Swift (which would've made a good addition to this list, as well), but instead, it's the name of two trucking companies. They just so happened to line up perfectly in front of this driver to make out the name Taylor Swift. This person probably wasn't the only one to notice and a lot of drivers probably found this to be pretty funny.
We just wonder if the truck drivers happened to notice while they were driving. If so, they should've just driven next to each other for their entire routes.
The Newspaper From This Couple's Wedding Day
We kind of feel little bad about this one. This couple was recently married, and the bride asked her brother to pick up a newspaper from their wedding day. This is what he got. The front page headline reads "Tragic Mistake" in one of the largest fonts we've ever seen. Thankfully, this couple looks like they have a good sense of humor, and they're just laughing the whole thing off.
Still, the brother likely had a couple of different newspapers to choose from, and he ended up going with this one. We mean, he could've also gone with a national newspaper.
The Plates On These Packages Line Up Perfectly
Whoever stocked this shelf deserves raise. It's not every day you walk into a store and realize the photos on different packaging align perfectly. Someone took a photo of these two boxes of rice, and despite them being entirely different brands, they plate of rice lines up perfectly, right down to the vegetables. This makes us wonder if the two companies just use a reverse of the same images.
We would think this would be less weird if it were just the plate of rice that lined up, but when even the different vegetables line up you have to start asking questions.
The Photo On The Truck Lines Up With The Mountains
We suppose that you have to just be in the right place at the right time for this one, but the photo of the Rocky Mountains on the truck line up perfectly with the actual Rocky Mountains. Even the snowcapped part of the mountain looks like it belongs there. Someone could probably photoshop this image to remove the border around the back of the truck, and you'd have a hard time telling the difference.
Granted, the mountains on the truck do contain a bit more ice, but if you tone that down a bit and they look pretty similar to one another in our opinion.
Finding Your Doppelganger On A Flight
There aren't very many things that are able to actually make a flight enjoyable, but this just might be one of them. The guy on the right in this photo was taking a flight with his friend, and when he noticed the guy to his left just happened to look almost exactly like him. We're guessing his friend is the one in the background that's pointing and laughing. His friend's wife posted the photo.
But the two do look just alike. They even have the same beard and hair color. Although the guy on the left has slightly bushier eyebrows, besides that they could be twins.
Unrelated Students Named Brian And Josh
Imagine walking around school and being called by a different name wherever you went. It might get old after a while until you realize that there's another guy that looks exactly like you with a different name. That's what happened to Josh in this photo. People kept calling him Brian, and finally, a couple of weeks later, he said that he finally met Brian. After looking at the two side by side we can see why people would get the two mixed up.
They have the same curly hair and facial features, although one does look like they're a bit taller than the other. We hope the two became friends after finally meeting.
Two Local Doctors That Share The Same Name
What are the odds that two doctors from the same area working in the same field of medicine would share names? Sure, their names are flipped but still. They're not really very common names, either. Someone was looking through a leaflet and found them before taking a photo and posting it online. We wonder if they both know of the other's existence though, but we suppose they would probably have to.
They've probably had a couple of patients get them mixed up and visit the other. They may have also worked together at one point or another, thought that might make things a bit confusing.
The Total Is The Same As The Time
This is only a tiny coincidence, but it's still pretty cool, nonetheless. Someone received their bill and realized that their total was the exact same as the time in the top right corner. Props to this person for even noticing something like that, as we would've probably just thrown the receipt away right after getting it. We wonder if they ended up keeping the receipt and showing it off later.
It actually might've been kind of cool to frame it and hang it up somewhere. We mean, how many times is this going to happen in your life?
The Age 27 Is Unlucky For Musicians
You might've heard of this one before. The 27 Club is what people call the strange coincidence of successful musicians dying at the age of 27. There's a whole Wikipedia page devoted to it, and some of the names on this include Jimmy Hendrix, Amy Winehouse, Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain, and many others. For whatever reason, a lot of famous musicians over the past century have died young at the age of 27.
Researchers from the British Medical Journal even conducted a study on the phenomenon in 2011, apparently disproving that there was anything fishy going on. Still, it seems a bit weird.
This Reporter Covered An Area With Her Name
Imagine you work your whole career, and all leads up to one shining moment of achievement. This isn't quite that, but it's still entertaining. This reporter, named Amy Parks, works for an Australian news outlet. She was sent to cover the firing of an Australian Football League coach named Dean Bailey. And the stadium or area she was sent to was named AAMI Park, which quite a few viewers noticed.
Granted, AAMI is probably an acronym for something, but still. We imagine a couple of people in the newsroom noticed as well and pointed it out when she got back.
A Matching Tie-Dye Shirt And Plate
This girl's sister posted this photo after noticing that this tie-dye shirt and plate match perfectly. And we get it; almost anything that's tie-dyed can be said to be matching in one way or another. However, they have the same exact patterns that line up perfectly in the same places. The two even share the same tones of purple, blue, green, yellow, and orange, which is no small coincidence if you ask us.
We just wonder where they got those tie-dyed plates from because they're actually kind of cool. Maybe they were at a birthday party or something and bought them for the kids.
Piloting The Same Helicopter That Sparked Your Love For Flying
This is a really heartwarming story. This guy's grandfather brought him to an airshow when he was a child and he got to sit in the seat of one of the helicopters. He said from that moment on, he knew he wanted to be a pilot. After joining the military, he was a couple of weeks into flying his OH58 Kiowa when he thought to look up at the aircraft's numbers.
It turned out that some 20 years later he had ended up flying the same exact helicopter he had sat in as a boy. You can see that the two numbers line up in these two photos.
This Guy's Lucky Number Is 33607
This guy posted a photo of himself and said that he couldn't seem to get away from the number 33607. The number is right there on his shirt, it's his hometown's zip code, and it's his race number and finishing time. That's actually pretty odd. Maybe the universe is trying to tell him something. This sounds more like something out of a Dan Brown novel than something from real life.
Most tickets require more numbers than this, but we'd still be out there buying some tickets if this were to happen to us. Who knows, maybe he could win it big.
This Bird Recognized Itself In A Book
Birds are actually a lot smarter than most people give them credit for. For example, look at this photo. The bird pictured in the book looks exactly like the bird that landed right next to it. And we wouldn't be surprised if the real bird actually recognized itself or thought that the drawing was just another bird and wanted to go and investigate. Either way that's pretty impressive for a bird.
The fact that the person in this photo was able to stand extremely still and not spook the tiny bird is also pretty impressive, as is the photographer's quick reaction.
Finding Your Sofa In A Newspaper Ad
This poor sofa. The owner happened to find a photo of it in an ad. It wasn't a positive ad, either. It was an ad with a picture of the same sofa, implying that it was time to update and get a new couch. However, to be honest, this guy's sofa looks a lot better than the one in the photo, which looks like it's been sitting outside for a couple of days.
That said, we could see why someone might want to get rid of the floral patterns. It's been a while since those were last in style, like a long while.
Someone Appeared In Their Future's Wife's Family Photo
The world is a very small place. Don't believe us? Take a look at this photo. The random guy on the far left isn't with the family in the middle. However, he went on to end up marrying one of the women in the photo. Not only that, but they wouldn't meet and marry until around seven years later. This photo was taken while both of them were on a trip to Rio De Janeiro.
His brother is the one who posted the photo, but what are the odds of that? We're not statisticians or anything, but we'd have to say they're pretty low.
The Case Of Will And William West
The two men pictured in this photo are named Will and William West, and they look like identical twins. Apparently, they looked so similar that a clerk thought that they'd seen Will before when he first walked into the police station despite that being his first time there. He was arrested in 1903, and at that time, William was already in prison. However, from the photo of the two side by side, you can see why the clerk might've been a bit confused.
There were some false claims that this case led to the adoption of taking fingerprints; however, that had already started a couple of decades before, and it wasn't really related to this specific case.
Someone Found Their Wallet 20 Years After Losing It
This person posted a photo of their dad's wallet. That seems normal enough until you realize that the father lost the wallet some 20 years before in a lake. They just happened to be swimming in the same lake the day this photo was taken and stumbled upon it. In addition, everything they'd left in their wallet was still there after 20 years of being underwater, which is kind of hard to believe.
We might understand finding a wallet on the ground a couple of days after losing it, but to find it in a lake is pretty incredible, especially with everything still intact.
A Matching Shirt And Bowl
These two weren't bought together, but it could be possible that this guy just saw recognized the pattern on the bowl and bought it just for that, or vice versa. His friends posted this photo after going over to his house and realizing that both the inside of the bowl and his friend's shirt matched. This makes us wonder if all of these companies just share the same patterns with each other.
That said, you can kind of make out slight differences in the bowl and the shirt, but they're ever so small. Maybe one just stole the idea from the other.
"This Is Not A Coincidence" Appears Perfectly On A Newspaper
Honestly, if it was 7 o'clock in the morning and we had barely woken up and noticed this walking by, we'd be a little freaked out. It looks like something out of a surreal movie or novel. The words "this is not a coincidence" are printed in just the right spot so as to be readable on a folded newspaper. They appear all the way down the stack, too.
The machine at the press folds these automatically, but we're sure someone who was working there or loading them into a truck looked at them and noticed it before they went out.
These Two Met Keanu Reeves In The Same Shirt Twice
Meeting Keanu Reeves even once would be pretty amazing. However, the two people in this photo met him twice. They met him when they were 14 and then again when they 17. And both times, Reeves was wearing the same exact shirt, which is pretty awesome. We don't blame him either, that's actually a pretty cool shirt. It also shows that he's not out there spending money on clothing.
Also, we know these were only taken around four years apart, but Reeves looks the same age in both, apart from the beard and maybe the long hairstyle.