1. Invest In Doggy Daycare
If you can afford it, then enrolling your dog in daycare is possibly the perfect solution to your conundrum. All of your dog’s needs will be met, with enthusiastic staff keeping them fed and watered, and entertained and exercised throughout the day. Some facilities might even offer extra services such as grooming and training. Understandably, doggy daycare isn’t cheap, and it is advised that you visit the facility and meet the staff before enrolling your dog.
2. Employ A Dog Walker
Not quite as ‘full-service’ as a daycare facility, but a great solution nonetheless, employing a dog walker is ideal if you’re unable to get back to your home at any point during the day. The walker will provide your dog with vigorous exercise, water and snacks, and social life. Most dogs absolutely love spending time with their dog walker, and there are usually plenty of other dogs on the same walk. Make sure you’re completely comfortable with your dog walker before hiring, as they will have access to your property and belongings.
3. Go Home For Lunch
If you’re lucky enough to work close to your home, then take the opportunity to go back during your lunch break. This will break up the day perfectly, and provide your dog with some much-needed exercise and company. Going home at lunchtime also gives you an opportunity to top up water bowls and clean up any accidents that might have occurred. There’s also the added benefit for you of being able to enjoy a homemade lunch, which will save you plenty of money and hassle!
4. Make The Most Of Your Spare Time
Even though you’re bound to be tired after a long day at work, try and make the most of the time you are at home with your dog. Don’t be tempted to walk through the door, switch on the TV and curl up on the couch for the entire evening. As is true for many things in life, when it comes to spending time with your dog it’s quality over quantity. If you can summon the energy then get into the habit of playing games like tug-of-war and generally messing about and having fun with your dog, and get used to going for relaxing post-work walks together. Not only will this keep your pooch happy after being cooped up all day, but it’s actually the ideal way for you to wind down after a long day at the office.