This Mother Duck Always Brings Her Young To My House For Help Raising Them
This person has a unique bond with the duck that brings back her babies to their house every year so that they can help take care and raise her ducklings.
So they opened the door one morning to find these thirteen fluff balls. The purity of the duck’s trust is so beautiful.
A Cute Little Home
This hummingbird's nest with a leaf roof gives so much satisfaction. This shows how nature can be so beautiful and heartwarming.
Here are some fun facts about this amazing bird. Hummingbirds are the only birds in the world that can actually fly backward. This bird weighs less than a nickel and a female hummingbird lays only two eggs.
They Saved This Crow's Life And Now She Brings Them Gifts In Thanks
Someone nursed an injured crow back to health after it got trapped in her French quarter courtyard. So, the crow comes back from time to time just to bring her these adorable gifts.
As crows are highly intelligent, so these are no doubt tokens of its appreciation. She's lucky to have a thankful, thoughtful, appreciative, well-mannered crow!
Little Breakfast Buddy
This person went to the same place for straight four weeks just to have breakfast/lunch every day with a little birdy. The bird sits next to him for his entire break at work. Isn't it adorable?
That’s a really civilized company there for a meal break. By the way, Robins are known to be minimally afraid of close contact with humans.
Bless Thy Neighbor!
So a nice next-door old lady left this note at the front door of this person because she cared for the precious soul sleeping under the tire.
Maybe this person had to miss work and was like "Sorry, I can't come to work today, I'm busy summoning adorable woodland creatures."
Bonding Over A Hilarious Joke
These Quokkas are the face of happiness and looking at them can easily make anyone smile. In fact, they can make someone's day a lot better with their adorable smiles.
Quokkas are always smiling and laughing. If only we could all be so cheerful like them.
The Best Photobomb Ever
So when these police officers were in front of the camera, the horse behind them (who wasn't even part of the photo in the first place) was fully prepared to have his photo taken.
All they had to say was "cheesssee" and the horse showed the world its beautiful smile. This is by far the best photobomb ever and we love it because of the horse's face and the smile which is bright and shiny.
Having A Big Ol Bear Party
Most of us have never seen such a huge congregation of bears! That's an evergreen tree that has seen better days, but we have a feeling that the tree is pretty much okay with it.
One wonders what if they all saw a spider and decided to climb the tree to save their lives. It could be true because you know spiders can be freaking scary.
Those Adorable Expressions!
It is hard to believe this adorable little river potato is going to grow into a majestic monster. After all, hippos are considered one of the world's deadliest land mammals. Still, you have to enjoy the cuteness of this little guy. Raspberries right back at you, cutie!
By the way, this baby is Fiona, a hippo born prematurely at the Cincinnati Zoo. She's a big girl now!
This Dog Is Facing Corruption Charges
Ever heard about a deal with the devil? Well, the bear is a quick learner as it knows how to buy the doggo.
One wonders what else the bear tried to bribe him with before he settled on deer bones. We also feel that the doggo is smart. Depending on the type of bear, it may be better to make buddies with a bear than try to protect trash.
A Snuggly Capybara
This must be the best nap this person has ever had in his entire life. The capybara is super snuggly and comfortable around this man. Little adorable things like this stay with you forever.
This looks amazingly peaceful. By the way, how much does a capybara weighs? Before you Google the answer, let us do it for you. An adult capybara can weigh between 35 – 66 kg.
The Seal "Sealed" A Deal With This Girl
This smiling seal is the best thing you'll find on the internet today. It seems like the seal is happy to spend time with a beautiful lady.
Clearly this guy knows a thing or two about posing for the camera, and he is the most photogenic part of this picture!
If You Can't Beat Them Join Them
So is it the right time to say that this is an actual Copy Cat or not? We just want to know and if it is not then we'll never bring this up ever again.
The serval is like, "Hey, whatcha looking at?" The only thing these furballs are missing is National Anthem playing in the background. So cute!
No Need for Guns When You Have Carrots
This is how the Norwegian police roll and we just love how she's not carrying a weapon. There are carrots for her lovely horse.
She must be like, "Hands up or it's carrots for you." Or maybe, "I have carrots and I'm not afraid to use em!"
That Explains A Lot
This cute little frog was the reason why water wasn't coming out. Isn't it the most adorable frog?
And hey are you sure it's not a chameleon? We have a suggestion: Decorate that and make it a little house for this frog.
It Completes The Family Picture
This guy uploaded an old Christmas photo and noticed that his pocket square has his sister's hamster. The cute little fluffball completed the family picture.
The hamster makes a better pocket square than a handkerchief any day! The little critter is adorable.
The Coolest Photobomb
This lady was having a great time in Puerto Rico and was about to have a perfect photo taken so she could upload it on social media when an Iguana photobombed it.
It is, without a doubt, one of those "won't believe if it wasn't captured" moments. That just looks like Superman's pet iguana.
Safety Comes First
We love it! If you see a hedgehog in the passenger seat wearing a seatbelt, then there's absolutely no way anyone is not going to love the photo.
The hedgehog looks nice and comfy. We love the smile, it seems like he is ready for a road trip. The pet hedgehog is like, "I've buckled up, now it's your turn or things will get quite prickly!"
Hey Look, It's Me!
So what are the chances that a bird will land on his own description? It is a super rare moment that might never happen again. So, you can feel lucky to see it.
The bird is like, "Don't mind me. I'm just checking to see if my description is accurate."
What Chameleon?
This is just a military backpack and nothing else. Oh wait! can you see something different here? Yeah, there's another black backpack. There's nothing more to see and you can just ignore this photo. Or is there?
Well, there's a pet chameleon that loves to hide on the military backpack. It is amazing!
A Pigeon’s Walk
After looking at this photo, we can only assume that the pigeon must be having a pretty intense phone call. Maybe his wife called him.
Or maybe the pigeon is trying to hit his steps goal on his FitBit. By the way, those are perfect little tracks.
A Lioness With Manners
This person was taking a photo of a lioness and she gave a cute little smile for the camera. Or maybe something else is going on in her mind.
Who knows maybe she's thinking, "Would this photographer taste better with mint sauce or gravy? I can't decide!"
That's A Big Bird
Although this is a bird feeder, we have a feeling that this bear smoked something and now thinks that he can fly as well.
Or maybe the bear saw a spider or a mouse. But we have a question: how on earth did he make it up there? And how sturdy is that pole because the bear weighs a lot.
This Cow Is Having A Bad Hair Day
This has to be the cutest baby animal most of you have ever seen. By the way, it's Highland Cow, a Scottish breed of rustic cattle.
We hope not to offend anyone, but we feel that this baby cow has better hair than a lot of people.
"Karen, I Only Love You"
So someone accidentally caught this Pikes Peak proposal and all we want to know is where is the tissue box.
It is still a better love story than Twilight (we hope you get this because if you didn't then we can't be friends).
Her Crown is Beautiful
It may seem like she's wearing a crown, but who knows she might be blocking alien signals.
It seems like the bell is just blocking the best spot on the swing. It’s a smart solution to wear it as a "hat" so it won't constantly annoy her.
Wedding Shoot Photobomb
This couple was having a wedding photoshoot when a group of raccoons photobombed it.
We think they did a good thing for this couple. Or that would have been just another wedding photoshoot.
The Funkiest Hair Accessory
So she was cleaning the enclosure of this young man and he decided to make himself at home. When she was done cleaning his home, he didn't want to leave.
Just imagine if she forgot it was there and went shopping. The snake looks cute, but we don't think some people with a fear of snakes would agree with it.
Looks Like a Fun Owl Party
The owls saw an unused pool and were like, "Hey, why not take advantage and organize a pool party."
They seem to be having a lot of fun in there. If you ever find an owl nest near your house, please make sure to protect it. Owls are so cute.
Don't Look Suspicious, Don't Be Suspicious
These two raccoons startled someone on campus and so they decided to sit like this to tell them that they were sorry.
They are so cute, how can someone not accept their apology? Sadly, raccoons have a bad reputation.
How Do I Look With This Wig On?
This foal is so cute and so human/childlike, it's so beautiful.

The child wants to be like her mother and you know that she's asking "mom, do I look pretty?"
An Angry Sulking Panda Cub
This baby panda is kind of angry with his mom and the way he is sitting clearly shows that he doesn't want to talk to his mom at all.

We bet he has his arms crossed on the front of his chest as well. How many of you want to pick up this fluffball?
Is That A Doggo???
We love the look on the lady's face. Priceless! When this lady was bringing back home a cute calf, she soon realized that it was going to be a long car ride.
It took us a while to realize that there's a cat behind the calf. We were like, "What a funny little tale the calf has."
Mud Bath Time
This person is volunteering in a bear refuge in Croatia and he took a photo of a bear chilling and not worrying about anything else.
Although the bear has a serious look on his face, he looks relaxed. And we are so glad to know there's a bear refuge out there. The bear seems right at home.
'80s Workout Girl
Someone's chicken needed a hairband for its chicken-fro and it now looks like a chick from the '80s.
It seems like the chick takes health and fitness quite seriously. We also think that this chick is Jane Fonda's spirit animal or '80s inspiration.
An Art Gallery For The Gerbil
Spending quarantine time can be a tough ask but it becomes somewhat easier when you have a pet gerbil. So this lady and her boyfriend decided to spend an entire day setting up an art gallery for their pet gerbil and we think it is absolutely brilliant.
And it is so sweet! It seems like the gerbil appreciates the masters on display. The next step is to teach it to read.
Horse Lady
The photo positioning is superb! At first glance, most of you will think that the horse is wearing a helmet.
All we have to ask after watching this photo is: why the long face? By the way, it is a perfect shot that deserves a lot of appreciation.
A Cartoon Worthy Hamster
This is how a hamster looks after eating a lot of popcorn. It seems like the hamster thought it wasn't going to get food after a long time, so he stored most of it.
By the way, they store the food in their pouches only to eat it later. Still, it's a very cheeky hamster that kind of represents a lot of people during the quarantine.
Frog Prince
So two brothers printed 3D hats to put them on their pet frogs. It was a brilliant idea.
Introducing the frog prince! So kiss him because he's so cute. Given how adorable he is, it is best to kiss him now without wasting any time. Just do it!
Rocket, Is That You?
Fans of the Guardians of the Galaxy can instantly recognize this little masked bandit as the Rocket from the 2014 superhero film. The Rocket is like, "I need your help, we must save the galaxy!"
The chances of you being killed by a raccoon are low, but never zero. And we don't think this one is armed, but it may be carrying a concealed weapon.
"Are You Done Yet? We Want Our Breakfast!"
Look at these adorable grass puppies! Just look at them. They are so freakin' gorgeous.
By the way, mini-cows are real. They are dog-sized cows bred to keep as pets. You can say that they are very cute, portable cows!
The Stingray Photoshoot
The Stingray is like "Group hug, ladies!" and the ladies look like they are regretting their decision of taking a photo with a stingray. Given how Steve Irwin died, the ladies should be petrified.
By the way, the ladies are in the Stingray City in Grand Cayman, where you pay to go and swim with the stingrays.
A Tidy Bunny
Cat owners can also relate to this photo as cats are also worse when it comes to sleeping wherever they like. No matter even if you buy a $1000 home for them, they might sleep in a shoebox.
What this dust bunny is doing isn't unusual. Bunnies do this more often than you'd think!
This Must Be Patrick
Hey Patrick...Hey Patrick! Patrick! Hey listen! Well, it seems like Patrick has been doing some major squats because his back is quite prominent.
Or it seems like Patrick lost his shorts and decided to sleep nude. You can make so many assumptions and everyone may be true in the case of Patrick.
"Heeeeey! Wassup Karen!"
Oh boy, he looks like a cartoon character. There’s a possibility he smoked something and now everything looks different to him.
As they took him to the vet for a check-up, we are sure he was smiling and the heartless vet changed his life forever. Nevertheless, it is one scary look that can unsettle you.
Is That Some Kind Of A Shrimp Ritual?
This person noticed that these shrimp have gathered around for some sort of a ritual. Or maybe they are enjoying a pole dance.
Given that they are looking at two other shrimps, we think it is a shrimp club. And we all know about the first rule of the shrimp club, don't we?
There's No Shame
We have never quite really understood why some people are so much fond of pissing statues. What we are trying to say is that they don't look so appealing at all. That's another thing they have been around since 1619.
Instead of making fun of it, we just think that the parrot is merely trying to catch the water.
Avocado Bird
This bird saw an avocado and it seems like they have become good friends. Looking at the shape and color of the avocado, she probably thought that it was kin. If that is the case, then the birdy seriously needs glasses.
Another possible reason is that the poor birdy is lonely. It is sad but it is likely the reason why she is not leaving the avocado. Maybe she's waiting for the avocado to hatch. Who knows why she made friends with an avocado, but we wish she finds a friend who can actually move or fly.
A Potato Bunny
So, the owners let this fluffball wander around the house. They couldn't find him for some time and then realized that he was taking some rest next to the potatoes.
That's another thing that the homeowners have, a bizarre habit of leaving potatoes on the floor.