1. Oh God
We don't know whether to class this one as a tattoo fails or not. After all, it is super creepy, and yet weirdly cool as well. This one can make a lot of people feel awkward.

Imagine you sitting behind him, and we are 100% sure you won't be able to sit comfortably as it will be unnerving. You will have to travel with a feeling that someone is continuously staring at you.
2. For The Love Of Turkey Sandwich
A tattoo in the Chinese language looks cool, and some celebrities have motivational quotes tattooed in the language as well. Someone wanted to have a tattoo in Chinese and unknowingly got a "turkey sandwich" tattoo.

Most people with tattoos like these have something deep and personal associated with them, but that is not the case with this person. There are so many unanswered questions about this tattoo.
3. Yeah "It's Is" True
There are chances that it may be a joke, but the popular opinion is that someone unintentionally messed it up big time. For starters, Bon Jovi's name has been changed to Job Bovi.

But the real problem with this tattoo is the grammar that is quite shocking. And then, it seems like the handwriting suffered a lot from the shakes, and that explains why the tattoo doesn't look good at all.
4. That's So Realistic
Is there anything that we have to say about it? After all, this is as real as it gets. The tiger has a fierce look on its face which can make anyone have a mini heart attack, and even the long face of the tiger is spot on.

All we want to know is that from where did this guy get this amazing tattoo? Can anyone help us find the tattoo artist?
5. If Regret Had A Face
One of the things about tattoo fails is that a majority of times they're accidental. For instance, there can be spelling mistakes like the ones we showed on this list. But this one is an entirely different case. The entire idea behind such a tattoo is ridiculous and then the execution of the design makes it more stupid.

We can clearly see that he's feeling embarrassed as he knows he has two options: to live with this silly tattoo for the rest of his life or pay for expensive tattoo removal.
6. It Couldn't Be More Accurate
Marilyn Monroe, famous for playing the "blonde bombshell" characters, became a popular sex symbol of the 1950s and early 1960s. So much so that she became an icon all over the world.

This woman wanted a Marilyn tattoo on her arm. But it seems like the person who tattooed it didn't know Marilyn, or maybe didn't try hard enough to get a close-looking tattoo of her.
7. At Least There's Some Resemblance
We showed you in the previous photo how the tattoo didn't look like Marilyn Monroe; do you think this tattoo deserves some respect because it "kind of" looks like the famous actress?

We admit that it looks like a scary version of the actress and some people may have nightmares after watching it. Needless to say, the tattoo artist missed the mark by a long shot.
8. Snake Scales
Although this tattoo is not bad, it is still terrifying. We don't know why this woman wanted her leg to look like snake scales, but it is surely a tattoo that can scare off many people.

A temporary tattoo could’ve been a much better choice than having a permanent tattoo for the rest of her life.
9. Are They Supposed to Be Stars?
If we hadn't already told you what this tattoo is supposed to represent, we are 100% sure you would have never guessed its meaning. It is because everyone will think that these look like freckles and nothing else. Even if she wanted freckles, we are sure this was not the right way to get them.

We hope she went to the tattoo parlor and got herself a lot of freckles. But that is not the case. She actually wanted stars and ended up with a lot of dots that don't look like stars at all.
10. Don't Lose "Hoop"
We know that tattooed quotes have become quite popular and people from all walks of life have them. Some have generic quotes tattooed on them while others are more into unique expressions. But we can bet no one ever came up with a quote as special as this one.

This person just avoided a cliché tattoo in the most impressive way. They unintentionally misspelled the word "hope" and now everyone must never lose hoop.
11. Can Someone Please Tell This Guy That M&M's And Eminem Aren't The Same?
As M&M's are multi-colored button-shaped chocolates, Eminem is a famous rapper and there's nothing common between both of them other than their names. But still someone had a bright idea of combining both of them to make a cool tattoo.

We admit that the face looks a lot like Eminem even though it is blue, but the overall concept is quite bizarre. Nevertheless, some people will laugh at it and some may not like it
12. How To Terrify Kids
As compared to other tattoos here, we feel that it is a good tattoo, artistically speaking. But that is not a tattoo everyone will like. It can give someone a mini heart attack and easily scare off kids.

Moreover, it will only work if this person frequently shaves that area of his head. And one wonders how it will turn out if this guy ever tries to shave off his entire head.
13. Easy Guide On How To Get Lost
As compass tattoos are quite common designs in body inking, we are not sure about the reason or meaning behind this tattoo. It is because there are too many strange symbols in the tattoo and the placement of each letter is poor as well.

It is a mess-up and we strongly feel that the tattoo artist needs to work more on their skill.
14. Best Way To Deal With Baldness
If you're going bald and you feel insecure about it (though bald men are super attractive) you can have your head tattooed. And tattooing your bald head is a bold move. This guy loves turtles and decided to go with a turtle tattoo.

Now some people may think that he has a real turtle on his head, but then they will make an awkward face or laugh once they find out that it is just a tattoo.
15. Guide 101 On How To Dig Yourself Into a Hole
What this woman believes is that getting the word "vegan" boldly tattooed on her face is the right approach to no longer telling people that she's a vegan. We can understand that it can be frustrating to tell everyone that you're a vegan and then answer other questions related to it. But it doesn't mean that you should get a tattoo of the word on your face.

We are not sure if her plan will work or not, but we do know one thing that it can lead to more awkward questions like, "why on earth you thought it would be a good idea to get the word vegan tattooed on your beautiful face?"
16. Look Closely
You may find it hard to see this guy's tattoo. And no, we're not talking about the tattoos on his neck and arms. Found it? Yep, those glasses are not real. He went on to have glasses tattooed onto his face and we really don't know what to say.

Maybe he wanted to look intelligent. But it is difficult to understand how this guy thought it would be a good idea to have glassed inked onto his face permanently.
17. A 'Skittlez' Lover
It seems like this beautiful woman purposely chose to replace “s” with a “z.” But we really can't understand what made her so confident that it would be a good idea to have the candy tattooed on her body.

We know only one thing though: that she absolutely loves this candy. She loves it so much that she doesn’t even care about the spelling mistake. By the way, we’re quite certain most people won’t even notice the z with everything else going on there...
18. Oh, Why? Just Tell Us Why?
If you find someone with a tattoo on their armpit, consider them very strong people as you need incredible tolerance for pain if you want to get a tattoo there. But we don't understand having a tattoo there because it's not really cool to show your armpit to people just so that they can admire your ink - and then there's always a chance of smell as well.

So, let's not waste our time thinking about what message she is trying to send with this tattoo. Maybe she smells like an onion. We really don’t know and we'd rather not investigate to learn more about it.
19. Angry Pikachu
If you are feeling uncomfortable looking at the tattoo of Pikachu, you're not alone. It seems like Pikachu is going through some rough time, or maybe Pokémon puberty. Now that this person has Pikachu inked on his thigh, it will stay with him forever.

One can feel that people will only say "cool Pikachu tattoo" if they see it from afar. It is because the angry look on his face can make people uncomfortable.
20. A Real-Life Spider Man
If you feel that you're not easily scared, we dare you to spend an hour with this guy.

We can assume that this guy really loves to scare others because that's the only logical explanation as to why he went so far as getting a permanent tattoo of a spider on his face. Or maybe it is some spider-looking creature from another world. It is scary stuff that is not meant to be on the internet.
21. For True Love
It seems like this guy wanted to show his true love for his girlfriend. Although there are many ways to do it, he decided to go with the idea of taking her picture to the parlor and get a tattoo of her on his skin.

It is sad the tattoo artist failed to capture the eyes, smile, or anything for that matter. We'll give 10/10 for the intention, as it was romantic, but the execution really sucked big time.
22. Yeah...Almost Famous
This person intended to get a tattoo because she wanted to let the world know that she finally got fame. Unfortunately, she got famous for the wrong reason.

It is because the tattoo artist misspelled one word, "Finally." We can only hope that she FINALLY got what she wanted in the first place.
23. Wait What?
Naz Mila is a known name on social media and she has over 1.1 million followers on Instagram. So, she wanted to get a new tattoo of some inspirational phrase. As the story goes, she wanted to get a tattoo that said, "only God can judge my mistakes and truths."

However, the tattoo artist got it completely wrong. It still would have been acceptable if there were some spelling mistakes, but the tattoo artist inked something quite different on her body. Now, her tattoo says, "I can judge a single god with my wrongs and wrongs."
24. Ariana Grande Grilling
Ariana Grande has released a number of hit singles over the years, including '7 Rings.' So, she wanted to celebrate the success of her song, and what better way there is than getting a tattoo on her hand? Well, she went on to get a tattoo of 7 Rings in Japanese.

However, her fans quickly let her know that it meant something entirely different in Japanese. In fact, her tattoo actually refers to a Japanese style barbecue grill. As the singer's net worth is $150 million, we're sure that she had it fixed.
25. Ex-Girlfriend's Tattoo
If someone tells you to make a list of the top 10 things that hurts the most, please do include "getting a tattoo of ex-girlfriend's selfie.” After all, it can be an eternal reminder if you don't get it removed. And yes, removing a tattoo costs money and hurts.

We feel bad for this guy but now we're sure he will go for a traditional floral design or dragon tattoo when he decides to replace it.
26. No, Why?????
When someone you know decides to get a tattoo of their lover, please be a good person and show them this tattoo fail. It is hard to understand how someone can get a tattoo of their partner or girlfriend without ever thinking that it may go wrong.

Here, the tattoo is not only too dark but it is unrecognizable as well. And what the hell happened to her teeth?
27. Words Of Wisdom
If you ever search for the definition of irony on Google, this tattoo will appear at the top of the search result.

This lady wanted to share her thoughts on perfection and we totally agree with her, but it seems like the tattoo artist made a mistake and now it should be "no tattoo artist is perfect."
28. Hold Your Arm Still While I Read It
In some ways, this tattoo is not bad because it has a sweet and inspirational quote. However, the design and execution are quite horrible as it may take ages to read it. Most people won't even get their heads around the design.

The fonts are mixed and that's what makes it difficult to read it. As it seems like the tattoo is aimed at her lover, we're sure that person also took a lot of time to read it.
29. Uncanny Resemblance
How many of you loved the 2002 children's movie Lilo & Stitch? Well, this woman loved it so much that she wanted to pay tribute to it. We can assume that she's a huge fan of Disney as well. Instead of having a tattoo of just Stitch, the name below it is not only wrong, but it is also misspelled as well.

She should have just stopped after she saw how bad Stitch turn out. But maybe if Disney ever decides to recreate Stitch, they can get some ideas from this tattoo.
30. A True "Prome" Queen
We don't care if she's some Prome Queen or Promo Code Queen. We just want to know how someone could possibly misspell Prom.

If you try to make some sense of it, you will be surprised to know that Prome is a city of Myanmar. Who knows, maybe she's a real Prome queen. Now, all she needs is a crown.
31. A Scared Wolf?
The tattoo design had the potential to look super cool, but the execution made it more a joke than anything else. We get that the wolf is howling, but it looks super scared and seems like it is missing some teeth.

The only explanation behind this tattoo fail is that the wolf must be super old. Maybe he forgot to put in his wolf dentures.
32. Is It "No Regrets"?
We feel a little bad for this couple here as this photo shows only the word regret, which makes the photo super hilarious.

A "no regrets" tattoo is quite common, but the issue with her tattoo is the choice of placement.
33. Looks More Like A 70-Year-Old Man
Ah, this tattoo is so close to being beautiful and yet so far. It could have been a beautiful tattoo of a newborn child, but the artist messed it big time.

Now, it looks like this person got a tattoo of a 70-year-old man. One thing we know for sure is that this person did some research on an affordable tattoo removal services.
34. What The Hell Is This Creature?
This newly found creature has two ears like a dog and, it also seems like it is showing the middle finger to someone. And then there are two pyramids on its tail. Everything about this creature looks scary.

We don't even want to count it as a tattoo fail because it is something not from our planet. Maybe this guy went to a 5-year-old for a tattoo instead of a professional tattoo artist.
35. Freddie Is Rolling Over In His Grave
This is a horrible tattoo - and we're huge fans of Freddie Mercury. We just know that the execution is horrible. Freddie Mercury looks so scary here that one cannot stand to look at it for too long.

We just can’t imagine how someone paid money for such a tattoo that can give nightmares to so many people.
36. But Does It?
At first, we thought of it as a joke. But no, it wasn't a joke. It is quite shocking how people forget to spell-check.

Okay, anyone can make spelling mistakes while writing something, but when you are getting inked, there's very little room for error. One mistake ruined the entire tattoo and now "it's won't get better."
37. No Pain, No Six-Pack
Many people want to have an incredible body and six-pack to flaunt at the beach, but they want to have it without ever lifting a finger. It only happens after years of dieting and exercise, in movies, or if you start taking harmful steroids that can cause a lot of health complications. So, at least this guy didn't go for harmful steroids.

Instead, he went to a tattoo artist and got a tattoo of six-pack abs. We are not sure if the tattoo was more expensive than working out for the ripped body. It is a creative tattoo, but still, it doesn't look so good.
38. There Must Be Some Regret, Right?
Although this person got a tattoo of no regrets, we are pretty sure that he now has one regret that he got a tattoo with the wrong spelling. Like always, we urge people to spell check because there is very little room for error when it comes to permanent tattoos.

This cannot be a purposeful spelling mistake. Even if it is accidental, it looks horrible. And the irony is that now the person will have to live with some regret for the rest of their life.
39. That's A Big Nope
We understand that troll dolls are quite popular (particularly because of their iconic hair), we just can't stand this tattoo that looks super weird.

It seems like this man noticed the hair on his arm looks a lot like a troll doll's style and decided to get a tattoo of it. We will give him full marks for his creativeness, but it looks really weird.
40. When You Get A Tattoo For $1
It seems like this guy had just $1 for a tattoo and decided to get one. Of course, the tattoo artist had to use very little ink left for this person who is a fan of Star Wars. Another theory is that this guy bought a tattoo machine and decided to give himself a Darth Vader tattoo.

Let it be a lesson for everyone that tattoos are better left to the professionals and don't go on buying a tattoo machine even if you are getting 80% off.
41. Yeah, Please Don't Never
We showed you how grammar could ruin almost everything unless there's an intentional grammar error. Here, this person wanted to give an inspirational message and ended up giving the exact opposite one.

You could say that two wrongs make a right, but that never happens in grammar. Here, “never don't give up” actually means “Always Give Up,” and that is not the right message to send.
42. Witch Or Which?
It seems like this person wants the world to know that a “witch” cannot kill them, but will only make them stronger. And the world is like "what did you smoke before getting this tattoo?"

Or maybe the tattoo artist smoked something that they couldn't differentiate between which and witch.
43. An Idea That Looked Great On Paper
The idea of getting suspenders tattooed on the skin may sound cool and funny, but it soon becomes a lot less funny when you realize that others can only see them after you take off your shirt.

We have to give him marks for his dedication to such a horrible tattoo idea as he has even tattooed the same pattern on his thumbs. We respect his commitment, but we think the idea is quite silly.
44. Please No!!!
This is one of those photos that will surely make all the grammar geeks cringe. Making a grammar mistake while writing a paper or in an exam is nothing when compared to the feeling of having a permanent grammar mistake inked onto your body.

It is one of those mistakes that will keep on reminding this person to take grammar seriously. We don't know how this person will correct this mistake as not using the contraction "you're" is going to hurt them for a long time.
45. May Your Grammar Rest In "Piece"
You know that "rest in peace" is meant for those who are in heaven, but we don't have any clue why this person didn't know about it. They wanted to go with "A little piece of heaven," but it quickly turned into a disastrous ink fail.

Now what will this person do? Will he live in peace even after knowing that the grammar mistake in his tattoo?
46. Really? You Too?
If this guy dreamt of having an awesome tattoo on his chest, we feel that his dream was "too" big. It is because a small mistake completely changed the meaning of his inspirational quote.

Fortunately, it requires an easy fix as the tattoo artist just needs to add an extra "o" and that'll be enough to do the job.
47. Please Don't Do It
What some people don't understand is that it is not cool to be a walking billboard for a corporation and then not even get paid for it as well. Apparently, this person thought the famous brand might pay him or at least appreciate his effort, but that is not the case.

After all, the tattoo looks horrible and we really feel bad for this person because no one told him "just don't do it."
48. We're Sure She Loved It
There are two possible explanations behind such a tattoo idea. Number one is that this person wanted to get a tattoo of Monster Energy's iconic M and the other explanation is that they wanted to show love for their mother. If the latter is the case, we can't understand why they used Monster’s M?

It is so bizarre because it doesn't make a lot of sense. Who knows, maybe it was a Mother's Day surprise. If it was, then we really want to know how she reacted. What do you think about it?
49. She's The One
Only a few lucky people find their true soul mate the first time. This person is certainly not one of those lucky people. It seems like he finally found his soul mate the fifth time. Who knows if she's the one or not, but we have a strong feeling that she is not going to leave him like the previous four.

It seems like he showed this tattoo to his second girlfriend and she left him after reading Anna's name on it.
50. A True "Aingel"
Have you ever made the mistake of not differentiating between angel and angle? Well, this person took it to the next level with the entirely wrong spelling of Angel.

We don't know what "aingel" means, but we are sure that it has something to do with an angel. What are your thoughts on this one?