1. That's Not How It’s Done
Before you start being mean to her, just remember that we were all new drivers once and there is no need to point fingers because everyone learns from their mistakes. Although, keeping that in mind, we have to admit that this one is quite funny.

We don't know if anyone told her this is not a proper way to fill their gas tank. This one reminds us of how a person tried to get a gas refill for their "electric vehicle." Yeah, you read it right.
2. Concrete Support
Although we are not experts when it comes to construction, we are quite sure that this is not something that is even remotely close to the set safety guidelines. Even though there are two coworkers supporting this man it is astonishing how he is still balancing himself on thin metal rods. Ignore the fact that it is not safe even with the third coworker is giving him moral support. We're actually not sure of his role.

And that's not it. He is risking his life there and not even wearing a helmet. Some may think that it is a scene from a mafia movie or something, but that is not the case. One hopes the other men pulled him up safely.
3. Here's an Idea, Let's See How The Car Is Handling The Ocean!
This person either left his car parked on the beach, or tried to drive it right next to the ocean. Whatever his intention was, the execution turned out bad, and now his car is completely ruined.

Well, this person didn't notice the sign that warns people their car will likely sink into sand if the tide changes. People don't learn from the mistake of others and we are sure someone else will make the same mistake.
4. A Guy With No Trust Issues
If you use a jack properly, there is no need to worry about safety, and fixing a truck or car is no problem. But when you try to use something else instead of a jack, that's when there are high chances of you running into a problem.

This guy seems to have an awful lot of confidence in the simple wooden boards. The way he is sitting under the truck, we just hope he uses his fast reflexes in case the truck starts tipping back towards him.
5. A Foodie's Nightmare
We all know someone in our circle that is a foodie and has a social media page on which they upload photos of their food. Some people hate it when they go out to try some new restaurant, and when the food comes one of their friends starts taking pictures of it from every angle.

There's nothing wrong with trying to show the world what you are about to eat, but we are just saying that some people don't like it. This girl wanted to take a photo-worthy of her social media account and unknowingly spilled everything. Why do we feel that this photo might give satisfaction to some people?
6. Where's Her Seatbelt?
This is the reason why there are moving companies, so that your stuff can get transported safely. Rather than having to rely on those who "think" that they can move items on their own.

It was not a smart idea from the start, and the woman somehow believed that she could use her weight to ensure the package doesn't slide back. But what happens when the car needs to make a sudden stop? She isn't even wearing a seatbelt...
7. A Recipe for a Disaster
It definitely takes more than just a lot of self-confidence to get up on a ladder-like this and paint the outside of the window frame.

He knows very well that a little tilt of the ladder could prove very dangerous for him, but he doesn't care about it. He may not have thought this one through, but it seems like he is quite calm.
8. An Honest Mistake?
Before anyone gets too upset at UPS, it is important to acknowledge the fact that UPS workers have to work really hard to deliver us our packages without any unusual delays. But it seems like the guy who delivered this package needs to take some rest. It is because he unintentionally locked the people in their apartment.

Although in this time of COVID-19 we sometimes feel locked in our homes, we can still go out. But these people had no other option than to call their maintenance team. It must've been a funny sight since we can't help but notice that the maintenance guy decide to take a picture before helping them.
9. He Just Needs Something To Drink
When it comes to driving, there is one obvious and important rule to keep in mind - use your hands to steer! That seems to be a common-sense rule that this driver just couldn't care less about.

Maybe he misses his couch too much, which may not totally explain his urge to relax like this while driving at around 60 mph. He should reconsider the actions because he may end up hurting himself and others around him.
10. The Danger of Icicles
This photo is a bit scary because icicles can actually be really dangerous and this man is consciously sticking his head out of the window.

It doesn't look like a smart decision at all and what makes it even more dangerous is that one of the icicles is only a couple inches away from his head.
11. It Was Pretty Much Inevitable
When this guy was driving a limo, he didn't really think a lot before trying to take this vehicle downhill. That lack of attention ended up resulting in his limo getting completely stuck in the middle of the road.

Given that it is a limo, there must be a traffic jam just because of one wrong turn. The owner of this limo company may want to reconsider having such stretched limos in this clearly hilly city.
12. Use Whatever You Have
Understandably, you use whatever you have when you can't find the right thing for the job, but really? A child's rocking chair and knotted ladders?

The only assuring thing is that he is doing it over a swimming pool and a fall won't hurt a lot. Although it is a small task of fixing a light, it might be best to just hire a professional.
13. Cats Hate Water
Any cat owner can tell you that cats hate nothing more than their arch-villain: water. It seems like this person doesn't have this common knowledge and now he's thinking about the decision of why he thought it would be a good idea to take a bath with his cat.

We can hope the guy wasn't hurt too much because cats tend to do anything in their power to stay away from water.
14. When You Want To Get The Job Done At Any Cost
This guy wanted to complete the paint job at any cost. But there was an issue: the ladder wasn't big enough. But he's a pro, so he came up with a solution of his own.

This guy must have been a tightrope walker or a gymnast before he started working on houses. Whatever it is he did, he seems unusually comfortable around heights.
15. Needed Just a Trim
So this guy was buffering and got a little too close to his equipment. As a result of it, part of his beard is gone and we have to admit that the new look kind of suits him. You can find tons of stuff on the internet about people making similar mistakes.

Now he has to choose to cut his entire beard to balance it or wear a mask to hide his face. We will recommend him to cut the entire beard and give everyone a surprise. If someone’s birthday is coming, cut your entire beard and surprise them. It’ll make their birthday more special.
16. "Who Said It Won't Work"
There is a possibility that this is the first time this woman is on an escalator, but we feel that there is another reason behind it. Someone told this woman that traveling with so much luggage won't be possible and she was like, "I accept the challenge."

We give her credit for holding the heavy cart until she gets to the top. If it was someone else, they would've already been crushed by it.
17. Out Of The Box Thinking
If thinking inside the box means that you don't get to fall and break your back or something, then it is best to never think outside the box. We understand that not every home has a tall ladder lying around somewhere, but that doesn't mean you start making it bigger with some cinder blocks and a couple of benches.

It may look like a good idea in theory, but it is quite dangerous. Hopefully this idea didn't end up in a hefty hospital bill.
18. The Right Use of a Plastic Bag
Why wear safety glasses when you can easily use a plastic bag, right? We don't know why people never seem to understand the real purpose of a plastic bag.

This photo has not convinced us that safety glasses are "so overrated." Maybe the company he works for needs to invest a bit more money in their equipment because we don't know how the boss allowed it to happen.
19. We Don't Think It is Going To Fit
We have no idea how this guy imagined that taking this box home in his car would be possible. Maybe it was Ross from the TV show Friends taking his sofa to his apartment and shouting "pivot" at his friends. That would be understandable, but it's not what is happening in this case.

Maybe the short drive home made him go through with the idea. Also, how is he supposed to see behind him while driving?
20. Another Ice Mistake
In case you were wondering why parking on a frozen lake might be a bad idea, these people parked on ice and it didn't turn out well for them.

Getting these cars out of the frozen lake is going to be a serious mission, there's no doubt that many of these people are just wishing they'd stayed home instead.
21. The "I Got You" Man
We are pretty sure that there must be a lot of safe ways to drill the roof. And holding someone's feet while they drill is definitely not one of those ways. There's no doubt that falling face down from a roof can be really dangerous.

We just hope they come up with a new plan next time. And please don't consider the idea of one man holding the feet of another man with a drill.
22. No Need for a Stepladder
It seems like this man was just too busy to get a stepladder or maybe he thinks doesn't need to have one to stock the high shelves. Still, it is not safe to go with such an idea that involves standing on bottles.

He must have done this a million times before because it seems here that he is 100% sure that the bottles will easily hold his weight.
23. Get a Bigger Phone Lady
First of all, we don't want to look mean here, but why do we feel that this woman needs to use a tablet correctly.

After all, it is not right that you spend a lot of money to buy something and then you don't properly use it. Also, not to get buried in the details, but talking into a tablet just doesn’t look cool at all.
24. That's a Little Tippy
The first problem that we have with this is that the guy is not using a ladder. Maybe he thought that his great balancing skills would be enough to complete the job. And the other problem that we have is why he is wearing flip flops.

Why on earth a worker at a construction site wearing open-toed footwear? This is against every construction rule book and quite unsafe as well. We can only hope that common sense eventually prevails.
25. Take Electricity Seriously
Okay, there's nothing wrong with having some summertime fun, but it is not a wise decision to put a dunk tank so close to the sign that clearly warns about high voltage.

We are not sure these guys know that electricity and water can be a deadly combination. It is best to take the dunk tank somewhere else so that they can enjoy and go home instead of the hospital.
26. Hmm, Is That Safe?
We are finding it hard to determine if it is safe or not. So, you are the judge of it. The ladder is leaned diagonally on a stack of wooden bookcases and the way he has one leg on the ladder and one leg on the wires is making us nervous.

If this guy doesn’t fall after such a crazy attempt, we would be super "shocked." The tippy angle of the ladder reminds us of how some cartoon characters do stuff like this...and also how that ended up for them.
27. When Cleaning is More Important Than Life
We totally understand that a dirty window can make some people feel frustrated because they want everything to be super clean. But it doesn't mean that you start cleaning the dirt outside the window of a building yourself.

We do appreciate this guy's dedication to clean the window, but what he is doing is not solving a problem. He is putting his life at risk. This scene reminds us of the movie Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol in which Tom Cruise pulls off a daredevil Burj Khalifa stunt.
28. It's Definitely a Three Person Job
Why use a stepladder when you got a friend who is willing to sacrifice his back just to complete the job? This is what happens when the boss says it is a two-person job and you insist that it requires three people only because you don't want to leave your friend behind.

We are not sure why they used their friend as a stepladder because it is not a safe way to perform a task that risks the safety of two people.
29. Something Doesn't Add Up
At first, it looks like there's nothing wrong with this photo. After all, the set-up looks quite solid with the ATV is fully strapped up.

But when you pay close attention to the photo, you notice that they have attached the straps to the hubcaps on the tires. It makes no sense and we really want to know what happened next.
30. Not a Good Idea At All
When someone tells you that driving over the thin ice is safe and super fun, don't listen to them. In fact, throw that person out of the car if they ever recommend it. But it seems like the driver got carried away and decided to have some fun.

Of course, the ice couldn't support the weight of the vehicle. Given that there are footprints near the hole, it looks like whoever was driving it got out safely. Next time, just go around the thin ice.
31. An Important Life Lesson
The person who owns this car learned an important life lesson that it is often best to stay on the safe side. If this person saw the weather forecast about snow, they ignored it.

One thing we know for sure that this person won't make this mistake again. Just remember that weather can change in an instant.
32. That's Not How You Do It
We have no idea who taught her to blow up a tire because this is certainly not the right way to do it. Actually, on closer inspection, we're pretty sure she's trying to use a fire extinguisher to get the job done!

That brings us to the important question of why she didn't have an air compressor in the car as well? We can imagine her trying to put out a fire somewhere with an air compressor. Now don’t say that she’ll try to put off the fire by putting gasoline over it.
33. Clouds on The Ground?
How fun it would have been if this was a cloud instead of too much soap? It seems like these people used way too much detergent.

And how did they get rid of all the bubbles? Even adding water will just make them bigger, right?
34. The Right Way To Use a Rice Cooker
If you like to make rice-based dishes, having a rice cooker is a must. After all, it is quick and super convenient. But it looks like this person doesn't know quite know how to use their rice cooker.

Putting a rice cooker on the stovetop totally defeats the purpose. Let's hope they didn't order another rice cooker and just repeat the process all over again.
35. And Then They Say "Open Yourself"
It is totally understandable that this person didn't want to lose the keys to the lock, but it doesn't mean that they had to lock the keys around the lock.

And now they can't unlock it because the keys that were supposed to unlock it are locked. If we keep on going like this, we'll get crazy. Isn't 2020 already crazy enough?
36. DIY Fail
There's no denying that DIY projects are fun and you get to learn a lot and save some money as well. But sometimes, it is best to call in a professional.

This person screwed the door on the backward and it looks ugly. But hey, you learn from your mistakes and this person will eventually learn a lot. We just hope it doesn't take a lot of errors like this to learn.
37. Ah, Who Knew This Would Happen
This person worked with full dedication to painting the rooftop only to realize that he is standing on the last area that needs to be painted. This is life.

What should he do now? To paint the only spot left, he needs to stand on the other painted area that is wet. Or he can just wait for a few hours for the other sides to dry.
38. Leave It To The Professionals
This girl may not know it by now but she will soon enough. She needs to understand that extensions are supposed to go under the hair in order to look natural.

But it seems like she decided to do the extensions work all by herself to save some money. We won't discourage her because she will learn from her mistakes. Hopefully no one makes fun of her style in the meantime.
39. It Happens All The Time
Before you start thinking about how someone can make a mistake like this, you need to know that it happens all the time to some people. It looks silly that you think you're boiling water when you're actually using the wrong burner.

We feel sad for the eggs that really want to be hardboiled and yet they are just waiting for the person to realize their mistake.
40. And That's a Final Cut
Imagine how you would react when you buy a new charger and go back home only to let out a huge scream as you cut open the package like this. We can totally understand that cutting these plastic packages is a pain in the (you know what we mean).

But this guy rushed into cutting the package too fast and cut right through the charger. Now he has to go back and buy a new one. Let's see if he can get a refund on this one.